We invite you to learn about the candidates that pledge to put Texas First.

Our candidate forum will take place at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 15. You will hear from candidates in the Governor, Lt. Governor, and other races sharing why you should vote for them and how they plan to place your interests and sovereignty as Texans as their top priority.

Register here and you will receive an email the day of the event with viewing instructions.

75+ candidates have taken the pledge from the statehouse to the schoolhouse. For those candidates local to your area, their messages will be viewable on demand.

See below for a list of of statewide and legislative candidates and the Texas First pledge that they signed.

Register to attend:

This is a political advertisement paid for by the Texas Nationalist Movement Political Action Committee. Daniel Miller, Treasurer.

Statewide Candidates

Daniel Miller

Lt. Governor

Todd Bullis

Lt. Governor

Allen West


Chad Prather


Danny Harrison


Don Huffines


Paul Belew


Jon Spiers

General Land Office

Weston Martinez

General Land Office

Ben Armenta

General Land Office

Carey Counsil


James White


Sid Miller


Dwayne Tipton


Tom Slocum


David Schneck

Supreme Court

Legislative Candidates

Mike Wolfe

Education, District 6

Will Hickman

Education, District 6

Abolaji Ayobami

Education, District 7

Julie Pickren

Education, District 7

DC Caldwell

Education, District 11

Joshua Tarbay

Education, District 11

Kathryn Monette

Education, District 13

Ajua Mason

Education, District 13

Bryan Slaton

Representative, District 2

Charles Turner

Representative, District 6

Kathryn Monette

Representative, District 11

Ajua Mason

Representative, District 12

Tom Glass

Representative, District 17

Trey Rutledge

Representative, District 17

Dennis London

Representative, District 33

Jonathan Schober

Representative, District 52

Wesley Virdell

Representative, District 53

Matthew Poole

Representative, District 57

Shelley Luther

Representative, District 62

Andy Hopper

Representative, District 64

Mark Middleton

Representative, District 68

Dan Matthews

Representative, District 76

Art Hernandez

Representative, District 85

Taylor Mondick

Representative, District 95

Michael Champion

Representative, District 121

Deanna Robertson

Representative, District 127

Christine Kalmbach

Representative, District 138

Josh Flynn

Representative, District 138

Valerie McGilvrey

Representative, District 150

Warren Norred

Senate, District 10

Bianca Garcia

Senate, District 11

Raul Reyes

Senate, District 24

Ashton Murray

Representative, District 26

Raul Torres

Senate, District 27

Stormy Bradley

Senate, District 31

34+ Local Candidates


Texas First
  • I pledge to place the interests of Texas and Texans before any other nation, state, political entity, organization, or individual.
  • I pledge to be accountable and explain to my constituents how I considered the best interests of Texans before voting for or against any piece of legislation or action taken by my office.
Inherent & Inalienable Rights
  • I pledge to secure and protect the inherent and inalienable rights of Texans and to publicly oppose any actions or legislation that would curtail or impede any right to life, liberty, or property.
  • I pledge to take any and all actions that would repeal any current impediments to the full exercise of the rights and liberties of Texans.
Texas Sovereignty & Independence
  • I pledge to support any and all actions or legislation that fully realize the freedom and independence of Texas articulated in Article 1 Section 1 of the Texas Constitution.
  • I further pledge to uphold the right of Texans under Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution by publicly and officially supporting a vote on Texas reasserting its status as an independent, self-governing nation.
  • If it is within the powers of my office, I will file or co-author legislation to enable a vote on Texas reasserting its status as an independent nation in every term that I am elected until such a referendum is held.
  • If a majority of the people of Texas vote in support of Texas reasserting its status as an independent nation, I pledge to work toward a fair and expedient separation of Texas from the federal government placing the interests of Texans first.
  • I pledge to use any remedy available in compliance with the Texas Constitution to maintain the physical sovereignty of Texas including securing Texas borders from unlawful entry.
  • I pledge to place the sovereignty and integrity of Texas elections first including the separation of Texas and federal elections.
Cultural Independence
  • I pledge to support any and all actions or legislation that recognize, defend, or celebrate the unique culture of Texas. This includes protecting our historical monuments, memorials, and markers as well as opposing any attempts to devalue and denigrate the Texas Revolution and the role of independence and the preservation of rights as the primary motivation for those who fought in the revolution.
Economic Independence
  • I pledge to oppose any economic or financial entanglements with the federal government.
  • I pledge to support any and all efforts which maintain a level playing field for Texas businesses and oppose any encroachments on the economic opportunities of Texas business owners such as taxpayer subsidies for non-Texas corporations to relocate to Texas.
  • I pledge to oppose the purchase or major investment in strategic assets and infrastructure by foreign corporations or domestic corporations substantially owned by foreign investors.
  • I pledge to support efforts to disentangle the Texas economy from federal monetary, banking, and tax policy.
Government Transparency & Accountability
  • I pledge to support any and all efforts to improve government transparency and accountability including supporting record votes on all matters placed before me, upholding the spirit of the Texas Open Records Act and the Texas Open Meetings Act, and expanding citizen access to government information.